Business owners have a difficult time searching for talented and trustworthy employees for their operations. With coronavirus, finding professionals is more difficult than ever before, but it’s hard to know what to look for in the sea of talent. In 2020, workforce dynamics have switched to remote environments, and if you’re hiring for remote employees, it’s difficult to determine the right professionals for the job. But what characteristics, skills, and talent do employers look for when hiring employees?
Everyone knows that resumes are one tool to be seen as “eye-catching” to prospective employers. For corporate jobs, approximately 2% of an average of 250 applicants will be invited to the interview. Resumes give the hiring manager a first glance at who you are, so prepare yourself with a keyword-optimized resume and cover letter for the specific job itself. In place of hiring managers, many companies use tracking systems in application processes to read resumes. How do you know who to exclude from the interview process based on a resume?
If you’re looking for employees to start up a company, what are you looking for in an employee? You need to find professionals that are determined, skilled, and responsible. But what other characteristics should a potential candidate bring to the table? As a job recruiter, you should know the most current resume statistics to find the best candidates for the job.
Job and Resume Statistics
In Resume Now’s recent hiring and resume statistics for 2021, the most crucial skills that potential employees need to have are the following:
- Ability to problem solve (37%)
- Deal with complexity (32%)
- Effective communication (31%)
For job seekers, it’s a bit different. The top things that employees search for in a job are:
- Career growth (56%)
- Compensation regarding pay (54%)
- Health Benefits (49%)
The work dynamic has changed significantly in 2020; job interviews may look different from the rising amount of remote work. Approximately 70% of job seekers consider remote work as important when deciding whether or not to accept a job. From these statistics, for someone that is actively looking for employees, it’s apparent that employers are looking for individuals that can problem solve, deal with complex tasks, and communicate effectively – this may be the result of the rise of remote work. In the remote work environment, you don’t have the chance to communicate with your team as frequently if you worked in-person. Furthermore, job recruiters should look for potential candidates that are autonomous and have the skills and resources to get the job done themselves.
Job seekers look for different things when it comes to a job. As a job candidate, in the interview process, one should ask about the future and what opportunities an individual as yourself could potentially have in this position. As a matter of fact, 23% of working professionals currently feel as though they are on a “treadmill going nowhere.” It is imperative to be transparent when discussing career growth, compensation, and health benefits. To job seekers, these are important factors that employers need to keep in mind when attracting top talent.
As an employer that is looking for employees, finding potential job candidates from an application online or through the website is not the only way to find top talent. According to Resume now, networking is the root cause of 85% of job filling. Often, the top talent can come from people that current employees know from previous work or industry. For corporate jobs, approximately 2% of an average of 250 applicants will be invited to the interview.
Job seeking and resume statistics are imperative to consider in the search for employees for your team. Hiring managers need to know what the candidates value so that you can find job seekers with goals and ideals similar to theirs.
By Michaela Wong