Meet Michael Cash, Director of Sales at SevSolutions. Michael works with LaunchHouse member Seva Dorn for SevSolutions. SevSolutions offers a web development & digital marketing services for dental and medical practices that are looking to grow. Additionally, Michael has begun developing a new concept, “Hydro~Pod,” a sustainable, automated, and hydroponic growing system.
At Startup Standup a few weeks ago, Michael pitched his Hydro-Pod idea to the community. Michael sees the abandoned warehouses scattered throughout Cleveland (and beyond) as an opportunity to make a dent in hunger problems throughout the world. He would place Hydro-Pods, which are growing systems built into shipping containers, into empty warehouses. He would like to improve upon progress already made in urban agriculture through his project. While his idea is still at the concept stage, he is eager to further develop it and to form a company around it.
When speaking with Michael, you can’t ignore the entrepreneurial spirit that he has. Since he was young, he has lived with the belief that he can do anything he sets his mind to. Despite any struggles he faced over the years, his entrepreneurial spirit remains tough.
After graduating from high school, Michael went to college, but failed his first semester, and realized he needed to make some changes in his life if he wanted to be successful. Since then, he served in the Navy Reserves as a medic and worked as a Financial Advisor at Northwestern Mutual. Michael learned a lot from his experience at Northwestern Mutual. The client meeting and cold calls surely benefit him now at SevSolutions. However, he wasn’t satisfied in his career and was determined to chase his dreams and do work he is more passionate about. In May of 2015, Michael took a leap and left his job to pursue his entrepreneurial ventures. In between all of this, Michael proudly acknowledges that he lived out of his 1999 Buick, “Nelly” for a brief stint as he worked to get his life together. Ask him for a few stories when you see him!
It should come as no surprise that Michael does not define success by material or physical wealth. He describes success as an emotional state of freedom, love, and happiness. “Success to me is knowing I have made a positive impact on as many lives as possible, regardless of the money I have made.” At LaunchHouse, we see the positive impact Michael has in our community each week—he’s always willing to help other members or take out the garbage when it’s full.
Michael joined the LaunchHouse community in September because he knew his membership would get him one step closer to becoming a more successful individual and entrepreneur. His participation in group brainstorming sessions, networking opportunities, and conversations with entrepreneurs here have helped him and Seva further develop SevSolutions. “I love the members and the different personalities and ideas that get bounced around just by asking one simple question. It truly gives me a sense of camaraderie and support.” We look forward to seeing much success from Michael and Seva with SevSolutions, and to seeing how Michael’s Hydro~Pod concept develops.
This post is by Marybeth Stucker, Director of Operations and Membership.