Employee engagement refers to the level of connection an employee feels to the company they work for, the passion they have for their job, and how well their values align with the company’s values. Engaged employees will care more about the success of their company and will be more likely to give their best each day. Companies benefit from engaged employees through improved quality of work, increased productivity, lower employee turnover, and stronger workplace morale.

Engaged employees…

  • …take ownership of their work and strive for excellence
  • …have an attitude of continuous improvement and growth
  • …go above and beyond for clients and customers
  • …take responsibility for their shortcomings and mistakes
Here are some ways to improve employee engagement:
Create an employee recognition program

When employees are recognized for good work they do, they will be more likely to continue going above and beyond in the workplace. Recognizing employees will also increase the level of connection an employee feels to a company.

Provide opportunities for employees to build their skills and further their professional development

By offering professional development programs, you are telling employees you value them and care about their career. Plus, employees will be more efficient in the workplace after they gain additional skills.

Form a focus group

Hearing directly from employees is helpful for learning what a company needs to improve on. Oftentimes, employees will not only discuss what things a company needs to improve on, but will also share what a company is doing well and what they like about a company.

Share your company’s mission statement and core values with employees

Employees will feel more connected to a company if they are familiar with the mission and core values of a company. Additionally, when employees know what core values are guiding the company, they are empowered to make decisions that are in alignment with the company’s core values.

Conduct personality tests and adjust employee’s roles accordingly

Personality tests can reveal information that is helpful for managing employees in the workplace. The results of the tests may result in shuffling responsibilities around to ensure every employee is in the position that is the best fit for them.

Encourage feedback in the workplace

Work to ensure that all employees feel that the office is a place where constructive criticism is encouraged. When employee feedback is received, changes can be made to create a more cohesive workplace.

Encourage community service and volunteer activities

Most employees want to know that the company they work for stands for more than just making a profit. By sponsoring community service initiatives or offering paid time off for employees to volunteer, companies can show their commitment to the community and society. Survey findings reveal that millennials who regularly participate in employer volunteer activities are more likely to be loyal and satisfied employees.

Host company outings

Outings will give employees a chance to get to know each other outside of the workplace. This will lead to stronger relationships between employees and improve teamwork. In turn, this will lead to better communication and increased productivity.

Improve your employee onboarding process

Be sure new employees understand the resources that are offered by the company when they are first hired. Furthermore, ensure employees understand how their role fits into the bigger picture of the company. This will help ensure that employees feel that their work makes an impact.

Conduct employee surveys

Surveys should be conducted in all stages of employment, from first-day surveys to exit surveys. Surveys should be confidential and give employees a voice. Items that should be measured by surveys include how well employees feel they are “plugged in” to an organization, how well employees feel they know their coworkers, and how aligned employees feel with the company’s mission and values. Once survey results are obtained, benchmarks should be defined in order to measure organizational improvement over time.

Offer employees flexibility

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the workplace. Employees expect a certain level of flexibility in their schedule. If a company fails to offer flexibility, employees may become disillusioned and search for new positions elsewhere.

In conclusion, employee engagement is the level of commitment an employee feels to an organization. By enacting the strategies outlined above, organizations can work to strengthen the connection employees feel to their organization.