Working on a freelance basis has many benefits, given that there is a boost to a freelance writer resume. Such form of employment attracts many people by the freedom it gives. Indeed, freelancers have a possibility to work from anywhere, choose the tasks they are interested in the most, and adjust their schedules to their needs. Besides, such jobs often pay well.

However, there are drawbacks to being a freelancer. Since such jobs offer a variety of benefits, more and more specialists switch from offices to freelance platforms. This results in high competition. Hundreds of candidates can apply for the same project and, in order to get a job, you need to make sure that you stand out from the crowd! How can you make your application memorable? The easiest way to do this is to provide a top-notch curriculum vitae, or CV, along with your application. In this article, you will find handy tips on how to boost your freelance portfolio.

Why Is A Resume So Important?

Here is one thing all freelancers have to keep in mind – your resume is your only chance to impress a potential customer! When you work as a freelancer, you won’t have an opportunity to assure a client that you are a good specialist during an interview. Thus, if your CV doesn’t make a good impression, your chances of getting a job are extremely low. Therefore, freelancers need to pay attention to the quality of their CVs.

Top Tips For Creating An Excellent Freelance Writer CV

If you already have a CV and want to improve it, or if you are just about to create one, the tips given below should come in handy!

Check good examples before writing your resume

If you want to create a brilliant CV, we recommend starting by checking out a few strong examples. Find a high-quality freelance writer’s personal statement examples online to see how they look. Then, with this example in mind, you can start writing your own CV.

Tell potential customers what makes you a perfect candidate for a specific position

Many people make a huge mistake when writing their CVs – they focus too much on the basic details and forget to mention their strengths. To boost your resume, add a brief graph devoted to your professional skills and personal traits. Mention that you have excellent skills in research, analysis, etc. If you are great at working under pressure mention that as well. In other words, tell potential clients what makes you their perfect candidate!

Keep it straight to the point and concise

A CV has nothing in common with an expository essay outline. It is a document, so there is no place for vivid details, long introductions, or other aesthetic elements. After all, the future of your career depends on this document, so you should keep it clear, brief, and straight to the point.

Make sure you highlight your professional experience

A winning CV contains many elements. However, your professional experience is one of the most important. You have to make sure that you tell potential clients about your past experience. If you have completed several successful projects, don’t hesitate to mention them.

Add a portfolio

Although many people consider a portfolio an unnecessary element of their CVs, it can actually give you a significant advantage over other candidates. A good portfolio is visual proof of your knowledge. Besides, it is one more opportunity to make a good impression.

Make sure you have all the important information included

As a rule, every CV should include the following data:

• Candidate’s full name

• Preferred job position and goal

• Education

• Previous work experience

• Skills

• Contact details

• Portfolio (optional)

• Desired salary

These are the essential details that you have to include. You can also provide additional information if you believe it will add value to your CV. However, don’t provide too many unnecessary details. Keep in mind that your resume should remain brief and straight to the point.

Organize your CV in a proper manner

Following the correct structure is also important if you want to make your CV stand out. Well-organized information is simpler to read and perceive. To organize your resume in a proper manner, divide the information you are providing into relevant sub-sections. Also, you can use visual dividers to make accents on the most important details.

Always proofread

Typos and grammar issues in a writer’s presentation mean that you will not get the job. Of course, every CV should be free of mistakes, but if you are a copywriter, the price for such mistakes will be high! Thus, never send a resume that wasn’t proofread and edited!

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Without a doubt, writing a CV is quite stressful. It is a responsible step that requires due attention and carefulness. Thus, if you lack experience or just want to ensure that your CV will look great, it is wiser to ask for professional help! You can hire an experienced resume writer to help you out.

Final Words

It is never an easy task to create a freelance writer resume or CV. As a rule, writing a top-notch curriculum vitae requires time and practice. However, with the tips provided in this article, you should be able to polish your CV and make it worth the attention of potential customers.